International Taxation

If you’re operating across borders, having a robust tax strategy which is aligned with your corporate strategy continues to be a complex area.

If you are either a Middle East based group investing internationally or investing into the region, understanding the impact of tax policy and legislative changes on your operations and your cross-border transactions is more than ever a part of assessing the commercial returns on those investments.

Our International Tax Services practice has dedicated teams based in the Middle East which are closely integrated with our global network.

If you are involved in:

  • Undertaking cross-border corporate transactions (acquisitions/disposals/ expansion/reorganization).
  • managing the repatriation of profits.
  • group intellectual property and other intangible assets.

How We Can Help You

Review and advise on corporate structure and cash repatriation mechanisms.

Help identify appropriate holding and operating structures that are commercially flexible and tax appropriate when expanding into new territories.

Assist in managing a group’s global tax profile and obligations associated with your operating model.