Tax Services

In the realm of finance, a strong foundation is essential for every successful business. Year-end accounts and corporate tax returns are the cornerstones of financial stability and compliance. Our dedicated service is tailored to provide the unwavering support your company needs to maintain its financial health and navigate the complexities of taxation. 

With a keen eye on precision and an expert team at your side, we ensure your year-end accounts are not merely a formality but a comprehensive reflection of your financial health. Our corporate tax return service is designed to optimize your tax liability, ensuring that your business leverages every available opportunity for savings. 

We are more than just an outsourced accounting service; we’re your financial backbone, empowering your business to thrive and grow. Let us handle the numbers, so you can focus on what you do best – driving your business forward.

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Tax Strategy and Transformation

Tax strategy and transformation refer to the deliberate planning and reorganization of an organization's approach to taxation in order to achieve specific financial and operational objectives.

Regulatory requirements are increasing, business and finance transformation is commonplace, and tax authorities and boards are demanding that tax risks are effectively managed. We’re helping clients build a sustainable tax strategy for the future. Our complete approach to tax management brings together tax function design, technology and compliance delivery to help you understand and meet these challenges head-on.

How Can We Help You:

Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing encompasses all aspects of inter-company pricing arrangements within a multinational group, including the transfer of tangible goods, services, intellectual property, loans, and other financial transactions.

As globalization has made cross-border intra-group transactions common, taxpayers must navigate complex and time-consuming regulatory environments in the jurisdictions where they operate. Increased scrutiny from tax authorities, who often share information across borders, intensifies the focus on these transactions and the business structures involved, particularly where taxable benefits might arise.

We offer:

Support transfer pricing policies by preparing master files, Local Files and Country by Country reporting templates, in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Develop tax efficient and globally defensible transfer pricing models, in line with commercial business activities and international transfer pricing practices.
Advise multinational groups on business restructuring and value chain transformation.
Assist businesses with the practical implementation of transfer pricing models.
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Tax & Zakat Advisory

Taxation and Zakat regulations in the Middle East can be intricate and demand substantial resources from finance teams for effective management. Many organizations across the region turn to advisors to alleviate the burden on their in-house teams.

At Finnet Global, we guide you through the complexities of the processes and the requirements set by authorities.

How we can assist:

  • If you operate in any Middle Eastern country and require support in dealing with tax and Zakat authorities.
  • If you need guidance on the treatment of transactions and operational issues.
  • If you need assistance with compliance related to social security and other employment obligations.

What we can assist you with:

  • Corporate tax guidance on both local and regional tax matters
  • Application and compliance with Zakat obligations
  • Advice on employee and employment taxes
  • Guidance on local country registration and setup